Joined: June 1, 2011
Posts: 1
Posted: Post subject: Hey there im Kpopkimi AKA Kyothekat |
well hello thar!
this is a first for me, i have never been on a dating site before, and well... what a better place to start than a cosplaying one
my name is kimberly, but EVERYONE calls me Kimi im 23, and im a cosplay maniac! aswell as a KPOP/Visual Kei/ JROCK fiend!
i mainly cosplay at the london mcm expo may and october, and sometimes atend the smaller Japanese arts festival and hyper japan. im known for being the first Mayuri Kurotsuchi at the London expo, as well as bein one of the first Cursed howls and Pale man. I recently attended this mays expo as pale man, and LOVED every minute of it.
im kinda looking for a relationship, but obviously id like to get to know people first, and i am looking for a male. Tho will be open for friendships with females
im known on Facebook, Tumblr and twitter as KpopKimi-Chan ...
and i write blogs/vlogs/and reviews about kpop and cosplayin general.
so if u would like to get in contact, then please do send em a mail or a message
nice talking to you all and hope to speak to you soon
~Xx Kimi xX~